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Merchant Banking and Real Estate Capital Investments.
Our mission is helping those who want to help themselves, sharing with those who want to share, and causing everyone involved to benefit. We are dedicated to satisfaction of all parties, honest and fair dealings, and we provide unlimited support. | |||||||||
We can provide financing anywhere in the world, and there are no limitations or restrictions in the United States. Your property should be located near a substantial population within a 5-mile radius, or located close to a major transportation artery. There can be exceptions based on the circumstances, such as opportunistic investments, subsidized projects and destination resorts. | |||||||||
To be eligible for financing, your project or property needs to be economically viable. Any project or income property needs to support the debt service, and also needs to be profitable for the owners. If you intend to use the property for your own business, you will need to demonstrate that your future business or expanded business will be able to service the debt. | |||||||||
Generally, we can finance any economically viable project or property. We qualify the property not the borrowers. There is no formal qualification of the individual borrowers and we have nonrecourse loans for corporations and limited liability companies. | |||||||||
Rates and fees are determined after we have evaluated the investment. We strive to offer the lowest possible blended rates for the entire capital stack. We quote our rates and fees when we provide an unconditional funding commitment. | |||||||||
We normally provide unconditional funding commitments in around one business day for real estate located within the United States. Outside the United States requires additional time for property identification and other due diligence.
1325 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 |
1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong |
1 Royal Exchange Avenue, London, UK, EC3V 3LT |